Transforming lives together
We work alongside people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places to fight poverty and exclusion, and transform lives.
Drawing on more than 115 years’ experience and driven by Christian values, we work with the most marginalised communities to:
- Break the cycle of poverty and disability
- Treat and prevent conditions that lead to disability
- Build inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential.
We do this because one in seven of us have disabilities, which is more than a billion people around the world — 80% of whom live in developing countries. In fact, 20% of the poorest people living in developing countries have disabilities.
And we do this because the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting people with disabilities, further entrenching the isolation, stigma, violence and access to life-saving health care and information.

Field programs
CBM Australia’s field programs enable community transformation; strengthening inclusive service delivery through 40 partners in 11 countries. The work includes inclusive healthcare, reduction of avoidable impairment, education, livelihoods, humanitarian assistance and equipping people with disabilities to exercise their rights.

Advisory work
CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) started in Australia in 2008 and is now the leading disability inclusion technical advisory service. Working in partnership with the Disability Movement, IAG provides inclusion advice to governments, institutions (including the World Bank and the United Nations) and humanitarian agencies to make inclusion a reality.

Advocacy and policy
CBM’s advocacy is determined to achieve systematic change, informed by the evidence and learning from our field programs and our Inclusion Advisory Group. Through our work we have influenced local and national governments to create the foundations for disability inclusion. CBM works with the Disability Movement and in alignment with the United Nations Leave No One Behind 2030 Agenda.

Donating to CBM makes a valuable difference to people with disabilities living in the poorest places on earth. Every year, our generous supporters go the extra mile so that we can continue to serve the millions of adults and children with disabilities living in poverty. You can help us transform the lives of people with disabilities living in poverty.
Poverty and disability
Poverty and disability go hand-in-hand, making people with disabilities among the poorest in the world. A combination of people’s attitudes, poor legislation and a physically limiting environment can also stop people with disabilities from having the same opportunities as everyone else. CBM believes disability and poverty are global human rights issues.
The WHO/World Bank World Report on Disability notes the following about disability:
- Disability is more common among women, older people, children and adults who are poor.
- People with disabilities often don’t receive needed healthcare.
- Children with disabilities are less likely to attend school than non-disabled children.
- People with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people.

Other ways you can help

Fundraise for us
One way to help us with our life-changing work is to raise funds for CBM. Start fundraising and ask your friends and family to sponsor you. Share your progress. We’re here to help you all of the way.

Give a major gift
Are you ready to contribute to CBM with a substantial financial commitment? Our generous gifts from major donors are a catalyst for change — love in action that can transform many lives forever.

Leave a gift in your Will
Leave a lasting legacy by including CBM in your will. Charitable bequests help with long-term plans and cost-effective programs, which reach those most in need.
Where your money goes
Your generous donation to CBM helps us empower people living with disabilities. Our disability advocacy and humanitarian programs help enable people to realise their full potential.
CBM helps people with disabilities, their families and their communities with:
- Health, medical care and rehabilitation
- Equality and opportunity
- Influencing and disability advocacy
CBM Australia’s Annual Report 2023
Together we continue to achieve extraordinary things alongside people with disabilities and their representative organisations in the poorest communities across the globe.
Australia, our region, and the world continue to wrestle with great uncertainty, fuelled by climate, conflict, and broader health anxieties. It is our ability to live with uncertainty, while being diligently constructive with the things we can control, that makes all the difference. People with disabilities in the poorest communities need us to make that difference by being their undaunted allies.