People with disabilities, especially those living in poverty, are among those hardest hit by the climate crisis

We are already seeing the effects of climate change, with increases in the frequency and severity of humanitarian crises like floods, hurricanes and droughts due to climate change. 

The greatest threat and burden of climate change is falling on the world’s poorest people – who have done the least to cause it. 

People with disabilities are more likely to live in areas prone to disasters because they are more likely to be poor. They are four times more likely than those without disabilities to lose their lives as a result of natural disasters.  

Add your voice to the growing chorus of people demanding action on climate change

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Urgent action is needed to respond to this global crisis and people with disabilities must be meaningfully included in all aspects of that action

People with disabilities and their representative organisations must be fully included in responses to climate change, from needs identification and programme design to delivery and evaluation.   

As experts in understanding their context and identifying their needs and capabilities, people with disabilities have a valuable role to play in building innovative solutions.  A fully inclusive approach also ensures that other marginalised groups will not be left out – it benefits everyone. 

Inclusive Climate Action Publications

Discussion paper: Climate Change and Disability Rights

Case study: Nepal’s changing climate

Case study: Climate change and its Humanitarian Consequences

Policy paper: Disability Inclusive Climate Action

Climate change, mental health and wellbeing

How we’re taking action

As an international leader, Australia has a responsibility to serve our neighbours in the Asia-Pacific region, and abroad, as they feel the worsening impacts of climate disasters. The new International Development policy centres gender, climate change and disability as core areas for action. Australia can and must do more to show meaningful leadership in acting to mitigate the worsening climate crisis and support communities on the frontlines of climate impacts.  

The UNFCCC COP Summit 

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established an international environmental treaty to address the growing threat of climate change in 1992.  

The treaty called for ongoing scientific research, meetings, negotiations and policy agreements to ensure ecosystems, food production and economic development could proceed sustainably into the future.  

The UNFCCC’s key decision-making body, the Conference of the Parties (COP), made up of the countries that have signed up to the UNFCCC, meets annually at a global summit to assess progress, set policy and renew commitments to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 

CBM at COP27

In November 2022, CBM Global brought Inclusive Climate Action conversations to COP27, the 27th annual United Nations “Conference of the Parties” meeting on climate.  

With our partners, we worked to influence negotiations and join the wider civil society discussion to promote and offer practical suggestions for how climate adaptation, loss and damage and resilience can be more inclusive. 

From exclusion to leadership: People with disabilities develop an agenda for inclusive climate action

Why is disability still waiting for real progress on inclusive climate action?

Missing in climate action: stories of people with disabilities from the Global South

Sign up to hear more as we take disability inclusion to COP28 Summit in the UAE

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Disability Inclusive climate justice

Climate news and blogs

Discussion paper launching at Bonn Climate Conference

Why is disability still waiting on real progress on inclusion climate action?

Missing in climate Action: new report launched at COP27