A community-based approach to our work
Community based inclusive development focuses on the needs of people with disabilities, including children living in poverty and their families.
Community inclusion for people with disabilities enables access to opportunities such as livelihood (getting decent work), education, rehabilitation, health care, mental health support services and social opportunities. This approach also draws on governments to contribute and support ongoing services necessary to fulfil the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
People with disabilities living in poverty often experience the most extreme forms of inequality, exclusion and isolation. Our community-based programs work to remove the barriers that limit people with disabilities from participating in society and enjoying the same human rights as everyone else. Community inclusion for people with disabilities recognises that rights happen at multiple levels — individual, community and society. This ensures that health, education, mental health care initiatives, jobs, and social services are accessible to all men, women, boys and girls with disabilities.
Enabling access to health, education and livelihood
Our community-based approach offers opportunities for people to take control and improve their situation. By getting involved with community groups and participating in social activities, people with disabilities form solidarity with others. This can make a profound difference to their lives.
We promote community inclusion for people with disabilities in decision-making processes and ensure there are opportunities to express points of views. This includes advocating to the government and others about disability issues and increasing awareness about changes that are needed. In high-risk areas, our community programs include activities in community preparedness and resilience for when a disaster or conflict strikes.
CBM works in many African and Asian countries and works with local partners to develop community based strategies that support people with disabilities to be more involved with issues in their community. Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) and community self-help groups play a central role in implementing and managing programs that focus on societal discrimination. Our community based programs support strong partnerships between these groups, local government and a network of partners in the sector.
When it comes to making an impact, the Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) approach is one of CBM’s most effective approaches. It means that our work with communities continually improves in including people with disabilities. The approach works to get rid of the barriers that stop people with disabilities from having access to the same services and opportunities in life as everyone else in their community.