CBM Australia takes three different approaches to improve the lives of peoples with disability. We call these our 3 “vehicles of change”: our field programs, our advisory work and our advocacy work. Authentic partnership with the disability movement underpins each of these approaches. We’re deeply committed to working with Organisations of People with Disability (OPDs) and to the principle of “nothing about us without us”. 


Our advisory work

We support development organisations and governments in the Asia Pacific region and beyond on how they can better make disability inclusion a reality within their own organisations and programs. We are intentional in working alongside a wide range of OPDs as we advise organisations throughout the international development “ecosystem” – from small NGOs to large bilateral funded programs. We integrate advice on how to meaningfully engage with OPDs throughout our work, and ensure our advice aligns with priorities of disability movement.  

Our approach to working with the disability movement in our advisory work is outlined here.  

Some more examples of our advisory work include: 

  • In our extensive work since 2011 advising the Australian Government’s international development program on disability inclusion, we facilitate connections with key OPDs who can provide local and contextualised advice on how Australia’s development assistance can better meet the needs of people with disability. Over the last 2 years, for example, our specialist advisors, along with representatives from 17 local OPDs have provided extensive advice to DFAT offices which oversee Australia’s development program and specific programs in the Asia-Pacific region.  
  • We work with the Pacific Disability Forum and many of its 30 OPD members as they are engaged in consultations with their country government on issues related to health, education and social policies.   
  • We work with a broad range of UN and multilateral bodies, managing contractors, and international NGOs in the humanitarian and development sector. For example, in Cambodia, with the national Cambodian OPD, we have advised UNICEF on their programming. In Nepal, we have linked with local OPDs to advise the NGO SNV on disability inclusive approaches in their women focussed WASH programs.  

Our field programs

In our field programs, and in line with commitments made by the CBM Global Federation, we invest in the development of the organisational strengthening of OPDs, as well as supporting OPDs to have a better platform to influence change in their communities and with their governments.  

Some more examples of our field work include: 

  • In the Philippines we are supporting OPDs to collect data on the situation of people with disability in their communities, and then use this comprehensive information to pressure local and federal government for better access to services. 
  • In Nepal, we support the National Federation for the Disabled to work with national and provincial governments to better consider the accessibility of government services, improve pensions to people with disability, and how people with disability can have access to justice.  
  • In Kenya, Indonesia and Nepal we support initiatives which focus on strengthening the organisational functioning of small and regional OPDs, often through programs providing small grants, so that they have better systems, policies and management. This will help them be stronger organisations to advocate for the needs of their members.  

Our advocacy work

In our advocacy work, we seek to influence government policy to better consider disability, and in particular ensure that the Australian Government’s development policies adhere to the Australia’s commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability (CRPD).

We are also committed to supporting the capacity development of OPDs to have better skills and opportunities to do advocacy. We consult with and are accountable to the disability movement as we undertake our advocacy – our advocacy priorities are informed by them.  

Working in solidarity with OPDs to get the attention of government is a key role played by the CBM Australia advocacy team.  

Examples of our advocacy work include: 

  • In the process of the Australian Government developing its International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy, CBM has been in constant communication with DFAT to advocate for Australia to uphold its legacy of leadership in advancing equity and rights for people with disabilities globally. CBM Australia coordinated with key OPDs in the Asia-Pacific region to have input into the development of this policy. The strategy sets out the expectations and targets for Australia’s approach to disability equity, underpinning the integration of disability equity into Australia’s development program.   
  • Recently we facilitated meetings between representatives of OPDs from Samoa and PNG and key Australian government ministers and advisors to outline where the Australian government can better work with the Samoan and PNG government to create long-term and systemic change on disability rights.   
  • CBM works with Pacific OPDs to support young Pacific leaders with disabilities to participate in the Pacific-Australia Emerging Leaders Summit. Advocates travel to Australia’s Parliament join with Australian First Nations, Pacific diaspora, and other Australian advocates to share their experiences and call for a more inclusive Australian international development program.