CBM Australia Joins Historic Disaster Relief Alliance

Media-release | March 16, 2022

CBM, Australia’s leading disability inclusive development organisation, joined 16 Australian charities to launch the Emergency Action Alliance (EAA).

In a historic move, the humanitarian agencies are uniting in their campaign and fundraising efforts during international emergencies to improve how Australians can support and donate when large-scale overseas humanitarian disasters take place.

CBM’s CEO Jane Edge said partnership was at the heart of how we work, which was why CBM was proud to be one of the founding members of Emergency Action Alliance.

“We know that when we work together, we can have greater impact. Nowhere is this more evident than in an emergency.

COVID 19 is having a catastrophic effect on people with disabilities…and in every disaster this is the case as it is vulnerable people who are last in line to access support.

In fact, people often acquire an impairment during an emergency due to injuries…perhaps a building collapses or they’re swept away by water.

EAA is focused on reaching those most in need, sooner. In an emergency, every dollar, and every minute counts.”

Executive Director of the Emergency Action Alliance, Kerren Morris said:

“Around the globe, the number of large-scale disasters have increased. It’s no surprise that the needs for disaster response and recovery are escalating. Our member organisations already work in close collaboration during a disaster response – but there has been a common agreement that a more formal alliance in disaster relief.”

The Federal Government has strongly backed this initiative.

The full list of member organisations of the EAA are: Action Aid, ADRA, Act for Peace, Australian Lutheran World Service, Anglican Overseas Aid, Baptist World Aid, Caritas Australia, Care, CBM, ChildFund Australia, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, Tearfund Australia, Australia for UNHCR, and World Vision.


For more information on the Emergency Action Alliance, visit emergencyaction.org.au

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