April is joining us at Voices for Justice 2019

Pacific, Stories | June 25, 2024

April is joining CBM Australia at Voices for Justice this year from the Cook Islands.

April is passionate about standing up for people with disabilities so that they can live and enjoy life free from discrimination. She has been involved in the work of the Cook Islands National Disability Council since 2014 and is a keen advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities and cultural life.

Voices for Justice will be the first time that April is able to represent people with disabilities outside of the Cook Islands. She is looking forward to sharing her experiences with other delegates and building her experience in advocating to politicians.

April lives her Christian faith in practice with Cook Islands Church.

Cook Islands National Disability Council is an organisation that supports disability groups, service providers and self-help groups in the Cook Islands, advocating on behalf of people with disabilities and their families.

Cook Islands National Disability Council aspires to a Cook Islands where all people can enjoy opportunities to fulfil their potential, prosper and participate in the social, economic, political and cultural life of their communities and nation.

April is attending Voices for Justice in 2019 with the support of CBM Australia.

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