Australian Ambassador amazed by Inclusive Communities

Stories | May 23, 2022

Since 2018, CBM has been supporting work in South Bangladesh to establish more inclusive communities.

In a nutshell, these are communities where services like schools, government programs and health centres are accessible for people with disabilities – as they should be!

Our project team has been hugely successful in supporting this work, which has seen over 7,400 local community members develop new skills.

These skills are leading to schools establishing more accessible classes, powerful self-help groups forming, new inclusive emergency plans being designed, sustainable sources of income being developed AND changes in government policy! These are just a few of the ‘big wins’ since this project began in 2018.

Apparently, the good news spread, as the team welcomed the Australian High Commission for a visit earlier this year. As they met members of the community and heard about the different ways this project had benefited them, Second Secretary Mr Duncan McCullough expressed his amazement at how the situation had improved through the support of Australian Aid and CBM. Our project team felt the same way!

CBM acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) for this project.

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