CBM Australia is heading to Voices for Justice 2019

Stories | February 3, 2020

CBM Australia is a proud member of Micah Australia, a movement of Australian Christians raising a powerful voice for justice and a world free from poverty.

Micah Australia enables CBM to work in coalition with other Christian aid organisations to gather, inspire and empower Australian Christians as advocates for the issues facing the world’s poor.

Together we raise a powerful voice with and for people in poor communities around the world.

This year, a team from CBM Australia and the Australian Disability and Development Consortium will be attending the Voices of Justice Conference to advocate alongside people with disabilities and share our concerns about the challenges facing people in developing countries.

Linda Munoz is keen to help promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in development activities, through her work as Support Officer for the Australian Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC). Linda says, “I want to learn how to better advocate for and support the rights and inclusion of people with disability in the development sector. Voices for Justice is like an advocacy intensive – marrying the theory with the practice of advocacy – proving to be an excellent opportunity to hone and enhance the skill of advocacy.”

Joe is the Church and Community Engagement Manager at CBM Australia. Joe completed theological training in Melbourne and spent several years in ministry with Baptist churches. He has also worked in the domestic disability services sector.

Ruth Whereat, Policy and Advocacy Manager at CBM Australia is also attending. Ruth is passionate about supporting and building the capacity of local communities and leaders to respond to social issues community members’ experience. This includes issues of marginalisation. Ruth says, “I’m striving to make a positive difference in the world which we share and part of that is advocating alongside people to raise their voice – just like we’re doing at Voices for Justice.”

CBM Australia is also supporting four emerging leaders from the disability movement in the Pacific to participate in Voices for Justices. They are advocating alongside CBM to bring the voices and experiences of people with disabilities to the forum.

You can read about their individual stories here:

The team is excited to be able to join with other Christian advocates and talk about the issues we’re passionate about.

Linda says, “I see Voices for Justice as a movement for positive change with the potential to affect the lives of many people living on the margins. I want to participate in Voices to be part of that positive change.”

“I am looking forward to learning more about lobbying and joining with Christians from all around Australia and the Pacific to advocate for a more just and inclusive world” said Joseph.

Follow us on Twitter as we join together with Micah Australia to remind our politicians of what lies at the heart of Australian Aid; real, lasting change made possible by community based programs which help millions of people who are marginalised and left behind – twitter.com/CBMAustralia

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