CBM supports Dala and other at-risk people in Nepal during Covid-19

Covid-19, Stories | February 28, 2022

Covid-19 has had a terrible impact on people living in Nepal, especially vulnerable people and people with disabilities. To reduce risk and suffering, CBM supported local partners to implement a short-term project targeting at-risk households, including people with disabilities and their families. The project supported the needs of vulnerable people through accessible information, basic needs assistance (such as food and sanitary and hygiene products), mental health and psychosocial support, and health awareness raising.

One of the people to benefit from this project was Dala, a 55-year-old man with hearing difficulties, who lives alone in a remote part of Nepal. Unable to read or write, Dala struggles to make a living labouring and often finds himself relying on the support of his friends.

“I live alone, and my physical health is worsening day by day. I do stone crushing and whatever labor work I find,” says Dala.

Unlike the support services available in Australia, Dala explains how the rural municipality fails to support marginalised people, stating, “they are not prioritised during difficult times”.

Unaware of the rights and benefits available to people with disabilities, Dala and his neighbours accepted life with little government support. However, after receiving disability awareness training through a CBM supported project, Dala and others in his village became aware of the rights and benefits for people with disabilities. Inspired to set up a committee to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, Dala and others set up talks with local authorities about how people with disabilities can be better supported. While the committee is still in its early stages, it provides an opportunity for people with disabilities to unite and fight for a common cause.

To help people cope with the adverse effects of Covid-19, the CBM supported projects also provided basic needs assistance to those most at risk.

Dala expressed his appreciation of the support, “I do not have enough money to get adequate food so I am very pleased that we have been provided with food and hygiene items. This will suffice for three months, which means I don’t have to break stones or carry them for a couple of months until my health restores”.

You can support people like Dala by making a donation today. Your donation will go towards a broad range of initiatives that support all our communities to better face the risk of Covid-19.

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