COVID-19 Call To Prayer

Stories | February 21, 2024

CBM is supporting the call of Australian church leaders for Christians to pray together, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that is gripping the world.

Christians are encouraged to set their alarms to pray for 19 minutes at 1900 hours (7pm) each day, no matter what their time zone.

“We believe prayer changes things,” says Nathan Brown, CEO of Christian Media & Arts Australia, which has launched the COVID-19 Call To Prayer in conjunction with ACCTV and Australian Christian Churches.

“As Christians, we can stand united in prayer until we see this pandemic stopped.

“We ask you to pray for 19 minutes at 1900 hours for the Lord to spare us from the COVID-19 virus.  It’s a simple way for us to remember to pray together systematically in unity for his Glory and our salvation.”

“Given the changing nature of the crisis, you can sign up to be informed daily of key needs for prayer. You will be emailed points for prayer, encouragement from Scripture, reasons for thankfulness, and updates from all over Australia and the wider world,” Brown explains.

To get involved:

  1. Set your alarm to pray at 1900 (7pm) each day, no matter what your time zone.
  2. Pray alone, with your household, or with your friends, family or small group via Skype. You can sign up to receive daily prayer guides direct to your inbox.
  3. Share this call to prayer with other Christians. You can download social media tiles and other resources.

At this time, please uphold CBM’s teams in prayer, as they work with field partners to ensure people with disabilities are included in response efforts.

“Currently over one billion people are living with disabilities and they are disproportionately impacted during times of crisis and disaster. CBM needs your prayers to cover us, as we work with our partners to ensure no one is left behind,” says Jane Edge, CBM CEO.

Your prayers are an important support to CBM’s work. You can become a CBM Prayer Partner, order your Prayer Diary or subscribe to our daily prayer email.  We are also ready to pray for you when you need it most. Please fill in a prayer request form.

If you’re finding it hard to know what to pray at the moment, the National Council of Churches in Australia has provided this prayer which you might like to pray:

Gracious God,

We give thanks anew for your providence and presence.

We prayerfully seek your grace, amidst COVID-19 here and overseas.

We pray for those in need of healing.

We pray for your peace with those who are anxious or grieving.

We pray you will continue to strengthen and sustain all those who are serving in response.

We pray for your Holy Spirit’s discernment amidst the many choices and decisions facing our national, community and medical leaders.

We pray we each might see quickly what more we can do to help those who are vulnerable.

This prayer for our nation in the family of nations, with all that is on our hearts, we gather now and pray through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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