Ridley College’s new Aid and Development Unit
Stories | October 4, 2021
Earlier this week, Edwina Faithfull-Farmer, CBM Australia International Programs Director, attended the launch of Ridley College’s new Aid and Development Unit.
The Unit has been developed in partnership with World Vision Australia and has been designed to help Christians studying theology to understand the value of development and why “Jesus calls us to help people that are poor”, says Edwina.
As subject matter experts in the field of disability inclusion, CBM assisted with the development of the course, explaining the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and opening the discussion around disability inclusion more generally.
The course considers different approaches to achieving rights with people with disabilities including advocacy, technical advice and partner programs working directly in communities and with local governments.
Drawing lessons from CBM disability based community programmes and end the cycle resources, the course offers students opportunities and questions to reflect on the challenges and barriers that people with disabilities face.
People like Gerald.
Gerald was born in The Philippines with cerebral palsy and lives with reduced mobility. His parents were adamant that he get an education so would carry him to school each day. Gerald has since excelled in electronics, fixes electronic gear and runs disco gigs in his spare time.
His parents are incredibly proud of him and point out that he is “now earning more money than anyone else in the household”.
Edwina says, “Gerald has become someone who is much loved and greatly appreciated, from a very difficult beginning. His mother is so excited by the way that Gerald has been able to develop skills and make a life of his own, and she encourages other parents to not give up if their child has a disability. There is hope”.
CBMs work with Ridley College’s new Aid and Development Unit hopes to reiterate the importance of disability inclusion and ensure people with disabilities are not missed from aid and development programmes in the future.
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