See Stevie Wills at Surrender Conference 2019

Stories | August 10, 2022

I’m excited to be performing at Surrender this year. Surrender is an annual conference, engaging people with Jesus’ call to actively love our neighbour, and those who are marginalised.

CBM Australia is a partner of Surrender, and the theme of this year’s conference is ‘Interwoven’; that while people segregate themselves, God is weaving the torn parts of his world back together. Jesus is calling us back together.

Sometimes people perceive those with disabilities to be ‘other’ or ‘different’ to them. There are many aspects of being human, which people with disabilities share with all others. We share humanity.

Throughout the poorest places on earth, people with disabilities often face exclusion. CBM works to enable people with disabilities to be interwoven into their communities.

Shantona is one such example. She loves words. As a little girl, she listened to the radio, repeating words over and over to get the pronunciation right. Shantona was born with a visual impairment. Unable to go to school, she spent many hours home alone. She desperately wanted to go to school.

Then Shantona met a teacher who was visually impaired and was supported by CBM. She was shocked to discover that a visually impaired man could be a teacher!

Shantona started attending a special school to learn braille. She plans to become a teacher to help children with disabilities.

Shantona was excluded from her community and education. She was isolated as she spent many hours at home alone. Now, as she attends special school, she is interwoven into community.

We are looking forward to being at Surrender Conference 21st – 23rd March. If you are attending, we’d love to chat with you, please visit our CBM Australia marquee.

The theme of ‘Interwoven’ relates to the theme of CBM Australia’s Lent series. Follow us on Facebook at @CBMAustralia and join us as we reflect during Lent on the theme of ‘Shared Humanity’.

Visit to learn more about Surrender or to register.


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