The Blessed Life

Stories | December 20, 2024

Mary learnt the depths of the implications of living the blessed life.

The angel Gabriel had told Mary that she was going to be pregnant with the Son of God. Gabriel had also visited Mary’s relative Elizabeth, declaring that she would also birth a child who was blessed by God. Having spent time with Elizabeth, Mary erupted in song.

In Luke 1:48, Mary rejoiced “From now on all generations will call me blessed.”

For Mary, the blessed life was joyful, and sorrowful. Stressful, and astonishing. She witnessed miracles and was forced to flee her home. For Mary, the blessed life was death… and resurrection. 
God called Mary to the blessed life. 
Jesus is the blessed life. 
He lived out the blessed life.  
He taught the blessed life. 
And he called us to live the blessed life. 
For Jesus, the blessed life is to live in community. He chose twelve people to journey with as He went about his ministry.

Yet when it comes to the blessed life of living in community, Jesus had more to teach.

In Luke 14:12-14 he said ““When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed…”

Jesus taught that the blessed life is to live in a community that includes people with disabilities.

Therefore, the blessed life is to ensure that our communities are accessible and inclusive for all people.

Communities often lack accessibility and inclusivity. They present barriers to people with disabilities being fully involved.

Therefore, to live out the blessed life is to identify and remove those barriers.

Mary was drawn to the blessed life. Through challenges and joys she sought out the blessed life. She was committed, faithful and humble. In being so, she was deeply and richly blessed.

May we seek out the blessed life. May we be humble and committed. May we build communities that are accessible and inclusive for all people with disabilities; identifying and removing barriers.

Thank you for partnering with us this year as we seek out a world that is accessible and inclusive for all people.

May you truly have a blessed Christmas 

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