Week 2 – Lent series 2023

Stories | April 18, 2023

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

During this season of Lent, we’ve been reflecting on the theme of #CrossShapedCommunities. Through his work on the cross Jesus removed the barrier of sin so that we could live in community with him. People with disabilities face barriers to fully participating in their communities. We can emulate Jesus’ love for us by removing those barriers.

Jesus blood poured out on the cross speaks of the immeasurable value of every person. In a community of people, each touched by Jesus and his forgiveness and redemption, everyone offers something to the table.

A cross-shaped community will emulate the inclusivity of the cross, welcoming and valuing each person. It will seek out people who are marginalised and enjoy friendship with them. People with disabilities will be seen to have great worth and dignity. Such a community will endeavour to remove barriers so that people with disabilities are integral members.

How inclusive is your Christian community? Is it shaped by the inclusivity of the cross? The love and blood of Jesus?

Learn more about fostering disability inclusion within your Christian community.

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