Ambassador Lucy Holmes launches Miracles Day!

Video transcript

Hi there friends, Lucy Holmes here and it is almost my favourite time of the year. No, not my birthday, no not Christmas, Miracles Day with CBM. Oh my goodness. You might remember giving in the past to CBM’s Miracles Day. It is an incredible day where we can give the gift of sight to people in the developing world. $33 gives someone who is needlessly blind the gift of sight.

Maybe when you gave previously you thought, I wonder what ever happened, I wonder where that went. Well, I can tell you I have been over in the field with CBM to Nepal, to the Philippines, to Vietnam, to some of the poorest corners of the poorest places on earth and I have seen people be given their gift of sight back. I tell you what, it changes your life. I have seen your donations in action and that is why I am so passionate about this day because I tell you what, when you see a three-year-old get his sight back, nothing ever prepares you, prepares you for that moment.

My dear friends at CBM will be in contact with you soon if you can give someone the gift of sight this Miracles Day, please, please do so. One person, two people, three people, 10 people, countless children, whatever you can do, even one will change the world for someone. It’s $33. Give up some Uber eats, give up some coffees and change the world for someone this Miracles Day. I’ll be doing it, and I hope you join me. 

Give a Miracle today!