Supporting OPDs Covid-19 response: reflections from the Philippines video

Video transcript

Slide 1:

When Covid-19 hit the Philippines, CBM realised there was an opportunity to work more closely with Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPDs).

Slide 2:

CBM supported partners to ensure that people with disabilities were not left behind during the Covid-19 pandemic response.

Slide 3:  Here is how one OPD responded:


Subtitles from original video [sic]:

Provided inclusive face masks to frontliners which allows lip reading for persons with hearing impairment and can communicate feelings with genuine smile can alleviate stress that words alone cannot convey even wearing face masks.

Helped frontliners as they faced their greatest challenge.

Provided face shields to brgys as they are battling the threat of Covid 19.


Floyd Basco (signing) [sic]:

I thank Federation of Persons with Disabilities – Maasin City to have Inclusive Face Mask this Covid-19.

It helped me or us deaf to communicate people and understand them in lip reading.

Thank you that u have felt us that we are ONE.