Thanks from David Bainbridge, CBM Global
Video transcript
Hi, my name is David Bainbridge,
and I’m the Executive
Director for CBM Global,
and I want to express a heartfelt
thanks for your incredible
and faithful support to the
work of CBM around the world.
Be encouraged that with your support,
we can achieve true transformation
in the lives of people
with disabilities around the world.
Whether it’s opportunities to
access healthcare services,
for those visually impaired
to receive cataract surgery
and have their sight restored,
or responding in situations
of humanitarian disaster
for people with disabilities
to receive lifesaving interventions,
your support makes all the difference.
And I want to express a huge thanks
on behalf of our partners,
communities with whom we
work around the world,
for your faithful and generous support.
Thank you so much.