Extreme poverty has increased for the first time in 20 years, impacting more than 150 million people globally.

Fuelled by concurrent crises – climate change, global conflict, and the COVID-19 pandemic – food and housing insecurity is more widespread than ever. These extreme events disproportionately impact people with disabilities.  

Currently, one in five of the poorest people living in developing countries has a disability. People with disabilities experience lack of access to employment, education, vital health services and social exclusion.  

But, with adequate support and financial investment from governments, these alarming statistics can be avoided.

It is imperative for development and humanitarian organisations like CBM Australia, and our supporters, to sustain efforts in advocating to governments. We continue to call for increased investment in the Australian Aid program, so the needs of the most marginalised are represented and adequately invested in.  

Add your voice to the calls for an equal world for all and be part of the growing chorus of allies committed to fighting for equity for the most marginalised.

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CBM Australia's Policy Notes

The CBMA policy notes provide a high level overview of our understanding and policy position on relevant topics, and outlines our engagement with these areas in conjunction with our partners and other areas of the organisation. 


Investment in disability inclusion in Australia's aid program

In 2021, the Federal Government slashed the critical disability central allocation in the aid budget by 25%, down from its previous level of $12.9 million.

  Read More about Investment in disability inclusion in Australia's aid program

Disability inclusion strategy to guide Australia's aid program

In 2009, Australia led the way as the first donor country to establish a stand-alone disability inclusive development strategy. The internationally acclaimed Development for All strategy created the foundation for the more ambitious Development for All 2015–2020, furthering Australia’s commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities.

  Read More about Disability inclusion strategy to guide Australia's aid program

Giving evidence on the inquiry into democracy in the region

In late 2022, CBM Australia and the Australian Disability & Development Consortium (ADDC) provided a joint submission to the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade inquiry into democracy in our region.

  Read More about Giving evidence on the inquiry into democracy in the region